Basic Types

bool, byte (uint8), int (64bit), uint64


[N]int,[N]bool etc.


Dynamic Array []int,[]bool etc.


values: true or false


A string in Golang is a collection of bytes representing a sequence of characters. Each character might be encoded using a single byte (for ASCII characters) or multiple bytes (for characters outside the ASCII range).

For example, if you define s := "Alan", then the type of s[1] is byte; but if you're working with Unicode characters, especially non-ASCII ones, you might want to convert the string to a slice of runes first. For example:

r := []rune(s)

Then r[1] would give you the second Unicode code point (of type rune, which is an alias for int32).

Basic Operators

++, -- (only i++, no ++i) >>, << bit operator &(and), |(or), ^(xor) logical operator &&, ||, !