
The problem focuses on the relation between the complexity classes P and NP, where the class P consists of all decision problems solvable on a deterministic sequential machine in a duration polynomial in the size of the input; and the class NP consists of all decision problems whose positive solutions are verifiable in polynomial time given the right information.

Clearly, P NP, but the biggest open question in theoretical computer science concerns whether P NP ?


To attack the P NP question, the concept of NP-completeness is very useful. NP-complete problems are problems that any other NP problem is reducible to in polynomial time and whose solution is still verifiable in polynomial time (so NP-complete problems are also NP problems). That is, any NP problem can be transformed into any NP-complete problem. Informally, an NP-complete problem is an NP problem that is at least as "tough" as any other problem in NP.

NP-hard problems are those at least as hard as NP problems; i.e., all NP problems can be reduced (in polynomial time) to them. NP-hard problems need not be in NP; i.e., they need not have solutions verifiable in polynomial time.

Examples of NPC Problems

From the definition alone it is unintuitive that NP-complete problems exist; however, a trivial NP-complete problem can be formulated as follows:

Given a Turing machine guaranteed to halt in polynomial time, does a polynomial-size input that will accept exist?

It is in NP because (given an input) it is simple to check whether accepts the input by simulating ; it is NP-complete because the verifier for any particular instance of a problem in NP can be encoded as a polynomial-time machine that takes the solution to be verified as input. Then the question of whether the instance is a yes or no instance is determined by whether a valid input exists.

Another famous NP-complete problem is Boolean satisfiability problem, or SAT