Convolution is a mathematical operation that combines two sequences (or signals) to produce a third sequence. In the discrete case, convolution is commonly used in signal processing, image processing, and various applications in engineering and mathematics.


Given two discrete sequences and , the convolution of these sequences is defined by the following formula:


  • is the input signal or sequence.
  • is known as the impulse response or kernel. It defines how the input signal is transformed.
  • is the resulting convoluted signal that represents the combined output of and .

Besides, the summation runs over all values of . It essentially slides the sequence over the sequence and accumulates the products of overlapping values.


  1. Commutative:
  2. Associative:
  3. Distributive:
  4. Identity: If is the delta function , then:


Let's consider a simple example with sequences:

  • (which can be expressed as )
  • (with )

We can compute :

Thus, the resulting convolution can be represented as:


Convolution is a powerful operation for analyzing the behavior of linear systems and signals. It allows us to understand how an input signal is affected by a system's characteristics (represented by the impulse response). In practical applications, convolution is often implemented using efficient algorithms, especially in digital signal processing, such as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).