The exponential distribution is the continuous counterpart to the geometric distribution. Recall that a geometric random variable counts the number of failures before the first success in a sequence of Bernoulli trials. Likewise, the random variable below will represent the waiting time until the first arrival of a success which arrives at a rate of successes per unit of time.
A continuous r.v. is said to have the exponential distribution with parameter if its PDF is
We denote this by .
The corresponding CDF is
The mean of exponential distribution is and the variance is
Sum of i.i.d. Variables
If i.i.d. , then we will have
where is the Gamma Distribution
Memoryless Property
A continuous distribution is said to have the memoryless property if a random variable from that distribution satisfies
for all
And this also implies
We can directly verify that the Exponential distribution has the memoryless property. Let , then
Note that Geometric distribution also has the memoryless property.
On the other hand, if is a positive continuous random variable with the memoryless property, then has an Exponential distribution
Proof. Suppose is a positive continuous random variable with the memoryless property. Let be the CDF of and be the survival function of , given by . The memoryless property says that
for all . Putting , we have , and we can generalize it into
for a positive integer, Replacing by , similarly
for any positive integer . It follows that
for all positive rational numbers . Any positive real number can be written as a limit of positive numbers so, using the fact that is a continuous function, the above equation holds for all positive real numbers . Taking , we have
where , so has an Exponential distribution.