A probability space consists of a sample space and a probability function which takes an event as inputs and returns , a real number between and , as output. The function must satisfy the following axioms:

  1. If are disjoint events, then

(Saying that these events are disjoint means that they are mutually exclusive: for )

Any function (mapping events to numbers in the interval ) that satisfies the two axioms is considered a valid probability function. However, the axioms don't tell us how probability should be interpreted; different schools of thought exists

The frequentist view of probability is that it represents a long-run frequency over a large number of repetitions of an experiment. The Bayesian view of probability is that it represents a degree of belief about the event in question, so we can assign probabilities to hypotheses like "candidate A will win the election" even if it isn't possible to repeat the same election over and over again

We can prove probability has the following properties, for any events and :

  1. If , then
  2. The third property is a special case of inclusion-exclusion