Discrete Uniform Distribution

Let be a finite, non-empty set of numbers. Choose one of these numbers uniformly at random (i.e. all values in are equally likely). Call the chosen number . Then is said to have the Discrete Uniform Distribution with parameter ; we denote this by

The PMF of is

for . Specifically, for , we have

Continuous Uniform Distribution

A continuous r.v. is said to have the Uniform Distribution on the interval is its PDF is

We denote this by

Universality of the Uniform

Let be a CDF which is a continuous function and strictly increasing on the support of the distribution. This ensures that the inverse function exists, as a function from to . We then have the following results.

  1. Let and . Then is an r.v. with CDF .
  2. Let be an r.v. with CDF , then Proof
  3. Let and . For all real ,

so the CDF of is F. 2. Let have CDF , and find the CDF of . Since takes values in , equals for and equals for . For


To naturally understand these properties, we imagine a large number of students take a certain exam, graded on a scale from to . Let's approximate the discrete distribution of scores using a continuous distribution, and let be the score of a random student. Suppose that is continuous, with a CDF that is strictly increasing on

If Bob scores a on the exam, and happens to be the median score of the exam, then we have , or equivalently,

If Fred scores a on the exam, then his percentile is the fraction of students who score below a . This is , which is some number in . In general, a student with score has percentile . Going the other way, if we start with a percentile, say , then is the score that has that percentile. A percentile is also called a quantile, which is why is called the quantile function.

The strange operation of plugging into its own CDF now has a natural interpretation: is the percentile attained by a random student. It often happens that the distribution of scores on an exam looks very non-Uniform. And on the other hand, the distribution of percentiles of the students is Uniform: the universality property says that