
A permutation can be defined as a bijection from a set to itself

The identity permutation is defined by for all elements , and can be denoted by the number , by , or by a single 1-cycle

Symmetric Group

The set of all permutations of a set with elements forms the symmetric group , where the group multiplication is composition of functions. Thus for two permutations m and in the group , their product is defined by

Composition is usually written without a dot or other sign. In general, composition of two permutations is not commutative:

The group identity of the symmetric group is the identity permutation , and the inverse of a group element is denoted as such that .

Every permutation has an inverse since if satisfies for all in we can simply obtain such that for all


Cauchy's two-line notation lists the elements of in the first row, and the image of each element below it in the second row. For example, the permutation of given by the function

can be written as

Powers of a permutation

Let be a permutation. The positive powers of are defined as:

The negative powers of are defined as the positive powers of its inverse: for every positive integer .

Finally, we set

Order of a Permutation

Lert be a permutation. Then there is a positive integer such that . Because if we list the powers of : , and there is finite items in , so there must exist such that . Therefore we get .

We call the smallest positive integer such that the order of a permutation , denoted as