
  • Previous works first encode the input image as a low-resolution representation and then recover the high-resolution representation from the encoded low-resolution representation. This process loses quite a lot of information even when skip connections like in U-Net, RefineNet are added
  • Instead, the author presents a novel architecture, namely High-Resolution (HRNet), which is able to maintain high-resolution representation through the whole process
  • Start form a high-resolution convolution steam, gradually add high-to-low resolution convolution streams one by one, and add connect the multi-resolution streams in parallel. The resulting network consists of several stages, and the -th stage contains streams corresponding to resolutions


Parallel Muti-Resolution Convolution

The resolutions for the parallel streams of a later stage consist of the resolutions from the previous stage, and an extra lower one

Repeated Multi-Resolution Fusion

Between each stage, there is a muti-resolution layer that fuse the features maps from each input resolution to each output resolution

This is just like a fully connected convolutional layer, where the connections are up/down sampling convolution between different resolutions, the each output is the sum of the corresponding convolution results

Final output

  • (a) HRNetV1: only output the representation from the high-resolution convolution stream.
  • (b) HRNetV2: concatenate the (upsampled) representations that are from all the resolutions
  • (c) HRNetV2p: get multi-resolution output via downsampling the result of HRNet V2