
Layer normalization is a technique used in machine learning to normalize the inputs across features for each sample in a layer independently, regardless of batch size.

Batch Normalization vs Layer Normalization

Batch Normalization:

  • Normalizes inputs across the batch dimension () for each feature
  • Computes mean and variance across the batch for each feature channel independently
  • Works well with fully connected layers and CNNs
  • Performance can depend on batch size, which can be problematic for small batches or recurrent models

Layer Normalization:

  • Normalizes inputs across the feature dimension () for each sample individually
  • Computes mean and variance across all features for each individual sample
  • Works better with RNNs
  • Does not depend on batch size, making it more suitable for scenarios with variable batch sizes

In the diagram, stands for channels/features, stands for batches and stand for the height and weight of the feature map

For detail algorithm implement, refer to Batch Normalization