Let and be sets. A binary relation from to is a subset of , where denotes Cartesian product
Functions as Relations
A function from a set to a set can be seen as a binary relation from to , where every element in is related to exactly one element in
Relations on a Set
A relation on a set is a relation from to , which is simply a subset of
A relation on a set is called reflexive if for every element .
A relation on a set is called symmetric if .
A relation on a set is called antisymmetric if for all , .
A relation on a set is called asymmetric if there is no , such that .
A relation on a set is called transitive if
Property | Set Restriction |
Reflexive | |
Non-reflexive | |
Symmetric | |
Antisymmetric | |
Asymmetric | |
Transitive | |
where |
Combing Relations
Let be a relation from a set to a set , and a relation from to a set . The composite of and is the relation of ordered pairs , where , and for which there exists an element such that and . We denote the composite of and by
Let be a relation on the set . The powers , are defined recursively by
The relation on a set is transitive if and only if for
-ary Relations
Let be sets. An -ary relation on these sets is a subset of . The sets are called the domains of the relation, and is called its degree
Let be an -ary relation and a condition that elements in may satisfy. Then the selection operator maps the -ary relation to the -ary relation of all -tuples from that satisfy the condition .
The projection where , maps the -tuple to the -tuple , where .
Let be a relation of degree and a relation of degree . The join where and , is a relation of degree that consists of all -tuples , where the -tuple belongs to and the -tuple belongs to .
Association Rules from Data Mining
The count of an itemset , denoted by , in a set of transaction , where is a positive integer, is the number of transactions that contain this itemset. That is
The support of an itemset is the probability that is included in a randomly selected transaction from . That is,
Association Rule
If is a set of items and is a set of transactions, an association rule is an implication of the form , where and are disjoint subsets of . Use this notation we can define
Representation of Relations
Matrix Representation
Suppose that is a relation from to . Then we can use a matrix to represent the matrix, where
The matrix of a relation on a set, which is a square matrix, can be used to determine whether the relation has certain properties. For example,
- is reflexive if all the elements on the main diagonal of are equal to
- is symmetric if and only if is a symmetric matrix, i.e.
Since is a 0-1 matrix, we can apply Boolean operations on it:
- , where is the Boolean product of 0-1 matrix (Pay attention to the order of and ! Otherwise due to the un-match matrix dimensions you cannot perform the matrix multiplication)
- , where the first represents the power of relation, and the second is the Boolean power of 0-1 matrix
Directed Graph Representation
The relation on a set can be represented by the directed graph that has the elements of as its vertices and order pairs , where , as edges. This assignment sets up a one-to-one correspondence between the relations on a set and their directed graphs with as their set of vertices.
Similarly, this graph can also be used to determine whether the relation has various properties.
- A relation is reflexive if and only if there is a loop at every vertex of the directed graph
- A relation is symmetric if and only if every edge of the graph is bi-directional.
- A relation is antisymmetric if and only if there are never two edges in opposite directions between distinct vertices.
- A relation is transitive if and only if whenever there is an edge from a vertex to a vertex to a vertex , there is an edge from to . (completing a triangle where each side is a directed edge with the correct direction)
Closures of Relations
If is a relation on a set , it may or may not have some property , such as reflexivity, symmetry or transitivity. When does not enjoy property , we would like to find the smallest relation on with property that contains .
If is a relation on a set , then the closure of with respect to , if it exists, is
- The relation on with property that contains
- A subset of every subset of containing with property . (Minimum)
If there is a relation that is a subset of every relation containing with property , it must be unique.
- Reflexive closure of :
- Symmetric closure of : , where
- Transitive closure of ? See below.
Paths in Directed Graphs
A path from to in the directed graph is a sequence of edges in , where and . This path is denoted by and has length .
In particular, we view the empty set of edges as a path of length zero from to . A path of length that begins and ends at the same vertex is called a circuit or cycle.
The term path also applies to relations. There is a path from to in if there is a sequence of elements with , and . Then we have the following theorem:
Let be a relation on a set . There is a path of length , where , from to if and only if
Transitive Closures
Connectivity Relation
Let be a relation on a set . The connectivity relation consists of these pairs such that there is a path of length at least one from to in .
Because consists of the pairs such that there is a path of length from to (See the last theorem in section Paths in Directed Graphs). It follows that is the union of all the sets . In other words
Now we can see that, the transitive closure of a relation equals the connectivity relation
Optimized Algorithm
How can be compute this relation since it may include ? To tackle with this issue, we introduce the following lemma, which is a natural result from The Pigeonhole Principle
Let be a set with elements, and let be a relation on . If there is a path of length at least one in from to , then there is such a path with length not exceeding . Moreover, when , if there is a path of length at least one in from to , then there is such a path with length not exceeding .
From this lemma, we can simplify the computation of as
In practice, we usually use matrix to represents these relations, so we can compute the 0-1 matrix of the transitive closure of by
Since the computation of a Boolean product takes , a fast Boolean power algorithm takes . As we can compute the Boolean product and the matrix union in a single step in the fast power algorithm, the total time complexity to compute the transitive closure takes
Warshall's Algorithm
This is just a Boolean version of Floyd algorithm. Given the matrix of the initial relation, the algorithm outputs a new matrix indicating the connectivity relation (i.e. transitive relation) of the initial relation.
function Warshall(A):
n = number of vertices
for k from 1 to n:
for i from 1 to n:
for j from 1 to n:
A[i][j] = A[i][j] or (A[i][k] and A[k][j])
return A