
Suppose has an eigenvalue . Its generalized eigenspace is

and a generalized eigenvector is any non-zero

Relation with characteristic polynomial

Suppose that the characteristic polynomial of splits over :

where the are the distinct eigenvalues of with algebraic multiplicities . Then:

  1. For each eigenvalue;
  2. , that is, there exists a basis of consisting generalized eigenvectors


Let be an eigenvalue of . Then

  1. The eigenspace is a subspace of
  2. is -invariant
  3. Suppose is finite-dimensional and . Then
    • is -invariant and the restriction of to is an isomorphism
    • If is another eigenvalue, then .

Basis of a Jordan block

A cycle of generalized eigenvectors for a linear operator is a set

where the generator is non-zero and is minimal such that


  1. is linearly independent and thus a basis of
  2. is -invariant. With respect to , the matrix of the restriction of is the Jordan block, that is